Arm Protection

Arm Protection

  • On 25 August 2017
One of the best ways of reducing exposure ta an hazard in presence of dangerous organs is to prevent access installing a guard. Ideally it is ‘fixed’ and can be removed only by a tool. However, the guard may have to be opened for periodic access to ther danger zone, such as for production, unjamming or maintenance purposes.


It is also important to underline that these distances should be adopted where it si possible to obtain an adeguate level of safety, by simply maintaining a distance.

Further conditions must also be observed, such as:

the protective structure must be stable and remain inaltered in shape and position (hence the use of welded wire mesh is the best solution);

the safety distance must refer to the space between outstanding hazardous parts and protective guard;

in case of danger such as radiation or sbustances emissions, the safety distance alone is not enough to guarantee safety to workers. Other additional measures are absolutely to be adopted.

Source: Impresa Sicura Metalmeccanica
Standard references: UNI EN ISO 13857:2008, UNI EN 349:1994